
by Jane See
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10.000 x 10.000 inches
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Jane See
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas
Lavender by Jane See 2014
Note: Watermark will not appear on purchased print
February 18th, 2014
Comments (26)

Alfred Motzer
Wonderfully expressive and yet sensitive work Jane,..very much to feel and enjoy ...!!! v/f

Jane Small
Jane, A really lovely and pure expression of lavender.Perfect shades of blue.That lovely blue that one minute it's blue and the next it's mauve. Shimmering beautifully and with a feeling of the summer fragrance emanating from the painting.Simply beautiful. L/F
Jane See replied:
Dear Jane, thanks a million for your kind words, always inspiring, really appreciate that!

Barbara Chichester
CONGRATULATIONS your outstanding artwork is FEATURED in the highly viewed Art Group: MOTIVATION MEDITATION INSPIRATION! From the hundreds of pieces of artwork received daily to review and choose from, your work has been chosen because of it's excellence!

James Aiken
Love your minimalistic approach Jane. I can imagine myself in this sea of lavender. g+/pin

Lee Craig
Truly beautiful work, Jane! All you work is special, but I really love when you work with blues...sharing!